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Comment:  Returning to the target of this flight, this picture is of the Central Yosemite Valley area showing El Capitan, Half Dome, Glacier Point and Sentinel Dome. The southern part of the park highlands are visible beyond with the high Sierra Mountains in the background. This is the classic view of Half Dome, but it is the side of El Capitan. The normal photographed view of El Capitan with its 3000 ft cliff is at right angle to this view, facing the valley Julie is now near her service ceiling at 11,500 ft, the appropriate Visual Flight Rules (VFR) altitude for easterly flight with a 2,000 ft clearance of the highest terrain in our planned flight path. The flight is getting bumpy and I am having difficulty framing pictures. I am glad I am using a single lens reflex (SLR) camera which instantly takes the picture when the shutter release is pressed.
Image Date:  Aug 04, 2007 - 02:39 PM
Original:  PICT1590ac.jpg , 2.1 MB,  2800 x 2000
Gallery:  Yosemite Flight Album
Camera:  MAXXUM 5D
Settings:  Focal len: 413 mm, Exposure: 1/320s, Aperature: F11.0
PhotoDawg skin for JAlbum 6.5 created by David Hart
Album last updated on Sep 29, 2007 - 03:55 PM
Copyright (c) 2007, Edward E Cragg
General info:
Basic shot info:
Focal Length85.0 mm; equivalent: 413 mm
Exposure Time1/320 sec
White BalanceAuto white balance
FlashUnknown flash mode
Metering ModeMulti-segment
ISO Speed Ratings100
Advanced shot info:
Exposure Bias Value0 EV
Exposure ModeAuto exposure
Brightness Value205/20
Exif-related info:
Exif Version2.21
Exif Image Width2800 pixels
Exif Image Height2000 pixels
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
ArtistEdward E Cragg
CopyrightCopyright (c) 2007 by Edward E Cragg. All rights reserved.
Image DescriptionYosemite Valley with El Capitan, Glacire Point and Half Dome are visible.Taken from Julie at between 11,500 and 13,500 The Valley Rims are up to 10,000'. at the upper part of the valley Regulations require flights to be at least 2000' above the surface.
User CommentReturning to the target of this flight, this picture is of the Central Yosemite Valley area showing El Capitan, Half Dome, Glacier Point and Sentinel Dome. The southern part of the park highlands are visible beyond with the high Sierra Mountains in the background. This is the classic view of Half Dome, but it is the side of El Capitan. The normal photographed view of El Capitan with its 3000 ft cliff is at right angle to this view, facing the valley Julie is now near her service ceiling at 11,500 ft, the appropriate Visual Flight Rules (VFR) altitude for easterly flight with a 2,000 ft clearance of the highest terrain in our planned flight path. The flight is getting bumpy and I am having difficulty framing pictures. I am glad I am using a single lens reflex (SLR) camera which instantly takes the picture when the shutter release is pressed.